Mitchell Sanders (

Mitchell Sanders (
Solider, RTO

About me

Im kind and devoted to other soliders . I want everyone to be treated equal. I am a radio telephone operator in the vietnam and carry around heavy equipment. I also think everyone can learn from morals.

Monday, January 18, 2010

I've always liked telling storys. I get really into them with silent pauses to make sure everybody is listening to be and believing me. This one time i told Tim O'Brien about this story of these guys going up in the moutains. I said how they stayed up there for one weeks staying completley silent. Then one say they started hereing all these kinds of noise. All the men up there went crazy saying thy were hearing music. So they called in in firepower and reported a enemy. The whole moutain got smoked out. The next say they went back to base and when asked what happened they didn't say one thing. I told Tim there is a moral to this Nobody listens, Nobody hears nothin'. The next morning he asked if i made up some stuff. I did just to make the story more interesting. So then i told him another moral, here the quiet man? that quiet just listen. I've always enjoyed telling war storys, but if ya add a little they sound better

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